In May, we wondered what some hospital executives did to justify their munificent compensation. Now we have found out a little more. Speci...
Defending Academic Whistleblowers: Call Out the Marines?
At " Academic Medicine Deploys a Logical Fallacy to Avoid Disclosing Inconvenient Truths " Roy Poses wrote about the illogic emplo...
Academic Medicine Deploys a Logical Fallacy to Avoid Disclosing Inconvenient Truths
We recently discussed a simultaneous retreat from aggressive regulation and enforcement applied to big health care corporations by US gover...
Bioethics panel blasts late U. Pittsburgh professor's 1940s tests in Guatemala
I have only two comments about this horrendous story (read the entire story at the link): Bioethics panel blasts late Pitt professor's...
Guest Blog: Mediator, symptom of a broken French system
Elena Pasca blogs at PharmaCritique, and is a member of the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes . She discusses the pharmaceutical industry in Fr...
Once Again, on IBM Watson, Cybernetic Miracles and Reductionist Views of Medicine
The cybernetic miracle shamans are at it again: IBM's Watson set to tackle health insurance, takes 'Diagnosis for $1,000' via En...
Director of Bristol-Myers-Squibb to Run Weill Cornell Medical School
How the New York Times reported on a change in leadership at one New York medical school has made one issue of interest to Health Care Renew...