I have written repeatedly on the dangers posed by poorly managed health IT regarding information breaches. See " 2011 Closes on a Note...
WSJ "There's a Medical App for That—Or Not" - Misinformation on Health IT Safety Regulation?
There's a health IT meme that just won't die (patients may, but not the meme). It's the meme that health IT "certification...
Dartmouth's Governance and Wall Street
While the money spent on health care in the US continues to increase, care becomes less accessible and its quality becomes more dubious. Mo...
Upcoming Keynote Presentation to Health Informatics Society of Australia: Health IT Must First Do No Harm
Pulse+IT Magazine ( http://www.pulseitmagazine.com.au/ ) is Australasia's first, and they claim only, eHealth and Health IT periodical...
Know-Nothing, or Industry Shill? You Be The Judge.
I have not been writing much the past few weeks due to other concerns, and will probably not write much this summer. However, I have been co...
Who Cares if The Patients Die? - Apparently Not Some Hospice Marketers
An article in USA Today suggests that marketers for hospices are pushing even more aggressive measures to recruit patients, regardless of t...
The Case of the Vanishing Graduate Medical Education Funds
While primary care falters in the US, those who teach it seem to feel increasingly poverty stricken. Now it appears that one reason for thi...