With desultory interest, I picked up a 1993 novel at the library, The Surgical Arena , by Peter Grant, M.D., “a former navy pilot who became...
Private Equity vs Patient Care - a Bainful Example
A long investigative report in Salon summarized allegations about the quality of care in various treatment centers owned by Aspen Education...
Health IT FDA Recall: Philips Xcelera Connect - Incomplete Information Arriving From Other Systems
Another health IT FDA recall notice, this time on middleware, an interface engine that routes data: Week of July 11 Product description: P...
Vermont: Despite $70 million investment, health IT systems a long way from prime time - "Problems are appropriate"
Preliminary note: This post is rich with hyperlinks. At minimum I recommend opening them in another window and at least scanning their con...
Steward Health Care vs Rhode Island Blue Cross Blue Shield: How Public Relations Twists the Narrative
Negotiations between a local RI hospital system and the largest RI health insurer have now become very public. An advertising campaign by th...
University of Virginia, GE settle $47M suit over EMR implementation
The following Keystone Kops story of healthcare IT dysfunction brings to life ( like the old GE slogan) the types of mismanagement I'v...
Did Toxic Effects of an EHR Kill Rory Staunton?
A stunning story about the death of a young man from sepsis (blood poisoning by infection), missed in an ED, appeared in the New York Times:...