A Washington Post investigation into diversion of money from US not-for-profit organizations provided a striking case study showing the app...
Australian Medical Association on EHR rollout: 'Hard to use, increases workload, hard to find data, we just don't seem to have got the outcome we were looking for.'
Some familiar themes from the Australian Medical Association on their attempt at a National Programme for Health IT: Electronic health recor...
More "anecdotes" of health IT-related errors - System errors with Victoria's trouble-plagued HIT program caused more than 100 medication mix-ups at two Melbourne hospitals
There are those in the field of health IT who see every health IT-related mishap as an "anecdote" - the " anecdotalists ...
Presto Chango - UPMC Tries to Make its Employees All Disappear
This story is just in time for Halloween. The Lawsuit Challenging the Non-Profit Status of UPMC Back in March, 2013, we discussed a lawsui...
Proof positive of government incompetence and recklessness in information technology - H.R.3303 - Bipartisan call for exemption of health IT from the FD&C Act
Here's proof positive of government incompetence and recklessness in information technology. A new proposed bill that would exempt healt...
Over At The Health Care Blog, Aneesh Chopra Distorts IT Failure Reality
I feel sorry for President Obama. I really do. He's been deceived by IT hyperenthusiasts who, in addition to their hyperenthusiasm, pr...
There They Go Again - Omnicare to Settle for $120 Million
The march of legal settlements seems to be on its way again. The Latest Settlement The details, per Reuters, Omnicare, Inc, a leading U.S....