The University of California - Davis just keeps supplying us with lessons about problems with leadership and governance in major health care...
Administrators at Pepper Spray U Found to Have Violated Medical Professor's Academic Freedom
There they, the management of University of California - Davis, go again. The Wilkes and Hoffman Op-Ed Questioning A University Sponsored Ag...
Will the UC-Davis Chancellor be Held Accountable for "Systemic and Repeated Failures?"
During the brief Occupy Wall Street etc campaign last year, the pepper spraying of unarmed protesters on the University of California - Davi...
Using a "Professionalism" Initiative as a Speech Code to Punish Students' Criticisms of Administrative Authority?
The original impetus to set up Health Care Renewal was increasing evidence of external threats to physicians' professional values. So ...
John Wiley and Sons Director Apologizes for Pepper Spray - An Example of the Proximity of the One Percent to the Leaders of Academic Medicine
The title of this post has not been hacked. All will be revealed soon. Review: the University of California - Davis Pepper Spray Incident W...
The UC-Davis Pepper-Spray Case as Illustrative of Problems with the Leadership of Health Care
The aggressive actions by University of California-Davis police against unarmed, peaceful student protesters turn out to be the latest illus...
More Repeats of Talking Points Supporting Making Non-Profit Hospital CEOs Into Millionaires
I have found even more cases of non-profit hospital leaders for whose generous compensation the only support was the usual talking points, w...
Some Call it "Tyranny" - Top Leaders of University of California (Including Leaders of Academic Medicine) Demand Bigger Pensions for Themselves
The state of California, and its flagship university system, the University of California, have been under extreme financial pressure lately...