The game is afoot again. A series of recent articles in the media described a series of cases whose mysterious interrelationships Sherlock ...
The game is afoot again. A series of recent articles in the media described a series of cases whose mysterious interrelationships Sherlock ...
The case of the over-marketing of Kyphon's kyphoplasty device (look here ) just got more complicated, and now appears to have involved a...
A long time ago in the US, most people got care from physicians who were self-employed, or part of physician partnerships. If they had to b...
Another month, another question about the ethical conduct of for-profit insurance giant WellPoint. WellPoint Settles Allegations its Predec...
We recently posted about how top hospital managers are often the first to benefit from mergers and acquisitions, which once again have beco...
Last year, we noted concerns about the againy fashionable practice of for-profit corporations taking over previously not-for-profit hospita...
Starting in the 1990s, as US health care became more commercialized, a wave of mergers lead to super-sized hospital systems, insurance compa...
We first started to discuss the intense conflicts of interest generated when leaders of academic medicine are also members of boards of dire...