These sorts of hits just keep on coming. This story comes from the Baltimore Sun. The Golden Parachute First, let us just review the finan...
Paying CEOs of Health Care Not-For-Profit Organizations: "Greed is Good?"
Million dollar plus executives of not-for-profit health care insurance companies seem to be becoming a dime a dozen. Late in April, Buffalo...
Reading Between the Lines: "Scrappy" WellPoint as an Illustration of Contemporary Health Care's Flaws
Giant US for-profit insurance company/ managed care organization WellPoint has provided numerous examples of problems with the current way h...
Corporate Proxies Suggest CEOs Rewarded for Influencing Health Care Reform
We have frequently discussed the often outsized, if not outrageous compensation awarded to top leaders of health care organizations. Such ...
Bigotry Against the Obese by Leaders of Massachusetts General Hospital and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts?
I am amplifying a post by Roy Poses entitled " Why Pretend An Advertising Executive and Chamber of Commerce Leader Are Public Health ...
Leaders of Discredited Financial Rating Agencies as Leaders of Health Care
This is the latest in our informal series on the cross-linkages between the thinking and leadership that lead to the global financial collap...
Why Pretend An Advertising Executive and Chamber of Commerce Leader Are Public Health Experts?
Obesity as a public health problem has been the subject of considerable discussion. So that luminaries from the prestigious Partners Health...