The parade of legal settlements of bad behavior by major health care organizations marches on. The latest to shuffle by are Elan Corp, base...
Why I Shouldn't Read Non-Systematic Review Articles: Special Pleadings and Undercover Authors
I usually resist looking at non-systematic review articles in medical journals, but because the title interested me, and things seem to be g...
"Good Managers" And Complex Technological Projects - Recipe for Poor Results?
Once more on the topic of CIO’s and other health IT leaders lacking in solid healthcare informatics and clinical credentials, there’s this ...
New York Times: Panel Set to Study Safety of Electronic Patient Data
New York Times author Milt Freudenheim has published an interesting article on health IT: " Panel Set to Study Safety of Electronic Pat...
The Lancet Emphasizes the Threats to the Academic Medical Mission
We just discussed an important article in the Lancet calling for major global reforms of health care education.(1) An accompanying editori...
"Health Professionals for a New Century": Calling for "Ethical Conduct," a "New Professionalism," and Improved "Stewardship" and "Social Accountability"
A major article just published in the Lancet urged global reform of health care education [Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, Cohen J, Crisp N, Ev...
NIST Provides Healthcare IT Industry with Remedial Undergraduate Computer Science Education
The National Institute of Standards & Technology ( NIST ) has published a guide entitled: NIST Guide to the Processes Approach for Impro...