We have frequently raised concerns about the increasing domination of clinical research, particularly clinical trials, by those with vested ...
Long After the Start of the "War on Terror," a Conflict of Interest about an Anthrax Scare Comes to Light
In May, David Willman writing for the Los Angeles Times broke a story of a somewhat new variant on the conflict of interest theme, one that...
WALK THE WALK For some time a jeremiad theme has been dominant in the psychiatric sector of the academic-industrial complex . Blockbuster ps...
The Tragic Case of Aaron Swartz: Unequal Justice for Web Activists vs Health Care Corporate Executives
The recent tragic case of the suicide of Aaron Swartz raises many issues, and has inspired an outpouring of news coverage and internet discu...
'Tis the Season for Legal Settlements: GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Orthofix, Sanofi all Settle
Reports of legal settlements by big health care organizations tend to dribble out towards the end of the year, maybe in a rush to finalize t...
Denying the Inconvenient Truth About Study 329
On 1BoringOldMan, Mickey, the semi-anonymous retired psychiatrist blogger, has updated the saga of Study 329 . The manipulation of Study 32...
Twilight of the Anechoic Effect? - New England Journal of Medicine Article Discusses Previously Taboo Topic of Bad Corporate Health Care Leadership
We have often complained of the anechoic effect , that the issues we discuss on Health Care Renewal often do not seem to be considered top...
Continuing Dissection of the Infamous Study 329
On the 1BoringOldMan blog, semi-anonymous blogger Mickey has been dissecting in detail the infamous Study 329 that GlaxoSmithKline used to p...
Giant GSK Settlement Provides Reminder of the Pervasiveness of Stealth Marketing
The latest and biggest legal settlement involving health care to hit the news, that of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the US government, has man...