The 1 Boring Old Man blog is on a roll. Read this summary post , see its amazing introduction below, then peruse the main page and the arc...
"Government-Run Health Insurance" Run by Corporations? - Two Medicaid Examples
In the US, there seems to have been a constant argument between right- and left-wingers over "government-run" health insurance. T...
Those Who Dismiss Healthcare (and Healthcare IT) Adverse Events Reports as Mere "Anecdotes" Have Lost - Supreme Court-Style
At my Sept. 2010 post " T he Dangers of Critical Thinking in A Politicized, Irrational Culture " I wrote: ... It's the EMR ...
The Institute of Medicine Releases Reports on Practice Guidelines and Systematic Reviews Which Generate Few Echoes
Two days ago, the prestigious US Institute of Medicine released two reports on important health care issues, clinical practice guidelines an...
A Jury Finds Johnson and Johnson's Risperdal Marketing "Willfully Deceptive," but What Will It Take to Change Company Leadership?
For Johnson and Johnson, it's deja vu all over again, as reported by the Spartansburg (SC) Herald Journal: A Spartanburg jury decided th...
Despite Poor Financial Results, Diminishing Pipeline, Multiple Settlements of Legal Cases, Outgoing Pfizer CEO Got Over $24 Million
It is the season for share-holders' meetings of big US publicly held corporations, and as the proxy statements prepared for these meetin...
Millions to Health Insurance CEOs, But Blame Everyone Else for Rising Health Care Costs
The revelations about the huge golden parachute given the outgoing CEO of ostensibly non-profit Massachusetts Blue Cross Blue Shield induced...