In a series of Healthcare Renewal posts such as those linked below, I pointed out that healthcare IT information security was largely a pip...
Global Fund Will Not Suppress Discussion of Health Care Corruption
Some good news to discuss, for a change.... We previously discussed losses from corruption reported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberc...
How to Fix EMRs: Shoreline Pools, Electronic Medical Records and Criminally Negligent Homicide
There are many parallels between the health IT sector ( with known injuries and deaths [1]; deliberate lack of regulatory enforcement in pa...
Was the Wright Medical CEO Really "Pleased" to "Continue Our Commitment to the Highest Standards of Legal and Ethical Conduct?"
This story fits into the "if you believed that one, I have a bridge to sell you" category. Let's go back seven months to 2010...
Has the Heart Rhythm Society Become More Like a Marketing Firm?
ProPublica's and USA Today's joint investigation of one medical society's ties to industry has created a stir. (The full ProPub...
Logical Fallacies to Defend CEOs from Responsibility for their Companies' Bad Actions
There is now quite a kerfuffle over the US Department of Health and Human Service's threat to to stop doing business with the CEO of For...
Merck KGaA Settles, Again
They just keep marching along, legal settlements, that is. The latest entry in the parade is Merck KGaA (of Switzerland, not to be confused...