Any new technology introduced into a complex system, especially when introduced recklessly, has the potential to produce unexpected conseque...
Senator Stephen H. Martin of Virginia: proposed limitations on use, storage, sharing, & processing of electronic medical record data
Here's a politician who certainly seems concerned with the privacy and confidentiality and flawed-analysis downsides of electronic hea...
How the "Revolving Door" and Other Aspects of Corporatism Benefited Amgen Just After its Settlement and Guilty Plea
At least here in these United States, our health care corporatism is bipartisan. Here we present a sorry story of how a company that should...
The HIT Scam
Worth a read - The HIT Scam By Greg Scandlen Notable in the pi ece are these observations: ... even the editors of the Washington Post ...
GUEST BLOG - What Can Doctors Do to Combat Business Malfeasance in Health Care?
Dr Gene Dorio is a an internist and geriatrician in California, described in the Los Angeles Times as an "old school physician." ...
"Slap on the Wrist" for a "Too Big to Fail" Hospital - Judge Rejects WakeMed Settlement
Maybe we are reaching an inflection point in how misbehavior by big health care organizations is handled in the US legal system. We have fr...
The Tragic Case of Aaron Swartz: Unequal Justice for Web Activists vs Health Care Corporate Executives
The recent tragic case of the suicide of Aaron Swartz raises many issues, and has inspired an outpouring of news coverage and internet discu...