Health Care Renewal presents a guest post by Dr Howard Brody, John P McGovern Centennial Chair of Family Medicine, Director of the Institut...
Tales of the Wayfaring Generic Manager - from Ritz Carlton Hotels to Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital to Cancer Treatment Centers of America
In 2006, we wondered what a former hotel manager, Mr Gerard van Grinsven, admittedly known for putting the "wow" back in the Detr...
BLOGSCAN - An Ex-Pharmaceutical Company CEO to Run the American College of Cardiology?
Marilyn Mann's blog discussed the appointment of a former pharmaceutical company executive, most recently at Actelion, and previously a...
AMA says EHRs create 'appalling Catch-22' for docs - And just how many experts does it take to screw in a light bulb, anyway?
(NOTE: this post, being about minor matters like death and financial mayhem, is particularly and unusually [even for me] biting and lacking...
Financial woes at Maine Medical Center: Reading this blog might have saved them millions of dollars, and prevented massive "cost saving initiatives"
In this article, the euphemistic and almost endearing term "hiccup" is used instead of the more traditional " glitch " ...
Health Information Technology: Blessings, Disasters, and Recommendations: An Interview with Scot M. Silverstein, MD
I was recently interviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Saenger for The Center for Rehabilitation and Recovery regarding use of healthcare information...
Repost: Health IT Ten Commandments (1970) v. Health IT Truisms (2012)
I believe this Oct. 2012 post bears repeating, especially in view of the recent ECRI Deep Dive study of health IT risk (36 hospitals/9 week...