Yet another healthcare IT "glitch" - that banal little word used for potentially life-threatening software defects. (See the que...
The Long Con - "Charitable" Hospitals Make Multimillionaires out of Their CEOs
The CEOs of ostensibly charitable hospitals founded to serve the poor continue to become rich. The latest reminders are in two articles fr...
The Mystery of the Northwestern Settlement - the Plot Thickens
A few weeks ago, we wrote about this curious case. How the Case Stood Northwester University, a prominent research university, settled charg...
Should We Cry for Non-Profit Hospital System CEOs Paid Less than For-Profit CEOs?
Two recent articles ( here and here ) in Modern Healthcare providing an update on the compensation of CEOs of non-profit hospital systems r...
The Door Revolves Again: the Former White House Health Reform Czar Goes to Private Equity Firm Looking for Investments Created by Health Reform
Round and round it goes, and when it will stop, nobody knows. Background: The Former Health Care Reform Czar's Past Career It appears th...
63% of Physicians are "Very Enthusiastic" about "Limiting Corporate Influence on Physician Behavior," but Will Anyone Notice?
On Health Care Renewal , we have noted how the direct care of patients in the US is increasingly in the hands of large corporations, often f...
Doctors now spend more time with computers than they do with patients
This bodes poorly for future physician quality: The doctor won't see you now DANIELLE OFRI Pittsburgh Post-Gazette August 11, 2013 12:03...