Reports of legal settlements by big health care organizations tend to dribble out towards the end of the year, maybe in a rush to finalize t...
"Phony Consulting and Royalty Agreements," "Chocolate" Bribes, a Sales Representative Doubling as a Stripper, Oh My - Three Settlements for Othrofix
On this US election day, we seem to be in a mini-squall of cases involving unethical, deceptive, and now very colorful marketing practices u...
An Even Bigger Golden Parachute for Captain Outrageous
In 2009, I first posted about the amazingly colorful leadership and governance problems at a small hospital system in Massachusetts. Backg...
Pfizer's Pforeign Pfiasco
Quelle surprise. Giant international pharmaceutical company Pfizer managed to go for nearly 10 months without announcing a major legal sett...
Conflicts of Interest or Bribes? - Biomet, Smith & Nephew Settle
More justifications of physicians' and other health care professionals' financial arrangements with industry have been appearing in ...
Another Cautionary Tale about Conflicts of Interest: the CEO's Stretch Limousine, Golden Parachute, and Slush Fund
It remains fashionable in academic medicine to tolerate, if not celebrate conflicts of interest as necessary to support the "collaborat...
Johnson and Johnson Runs Afoul of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Johnson and Johnson, the once highly reputed international pharmaceutical and device company, cannot catch a break. International Bribery C...
Where There's Smoke? ... A University President Who Simultaneously Lead a Failed Financial Company and a Tobacco Company Which Apologized for International Bribery
A long time ago, in 2006, we first blogged about a " new species of conflict of interest " which we thought might prove to be even...