Over the weekend, the New York Times reported on how prestigious academic medical centers advertise cancer care. Here are some examples, P...
Addressing Drug, Biotechnology, and Device Companies' Payments to Physicians: the Thai National Health Assembly
We have frequently discussed how financial relationships among physicians, other health care professionals, and health care academics, on o...
Arguments for Maintaining the Health IT Status Quo on Defects Nondisclosure Clauses
As I wrote at Healthcare Renewal here , I recently posted a web petition " Transparency and Openness in Electronic Patient Records and ...
With Leaders Like These...
My current favorite book about the global financial meltdown, aka great recession, The Sellout , by Charles Gasparino , featured vivid port...
Teaching Would-be Health Care Leaders About Health Care: Why Is This News?
The Wall Street Journal just published a story on a big innovation in the business school curriculum: David Song was in the middle of a two...
The Door Revolves: Tufts Medical School Dean Goes Back to Merck
A little news item in the Newark Star-Ledger : Merck announced the appointment of Michael Rosenblatt as executive vice president and chief m...
British Medical Journal Interviews Dr Aubrey Blumsohn
About a year after we started Health Care Renewal, in late 2005, we wrote multiple posts about the complex and unfortunate case of Dr Aubrey...