A small news item from the Seattle public radio station, KUOW, provides our latest example of the contrasts between how hired executives and...
The Push Back Continues: the Mayor of Pittsburgh Sues UPMC Claiming it is No "Public Charity"
There is another indication that push back against the power of large health care organizations is getting more significant. In February, 20...
Boulder Community Hospital computer records back on line - but something does not add up
This post is in followup to my March 20, 2013 post " Boulder Community Hospital computer system crash: Either you're in control of...
EHR Advertising Obscenity ... Is This An Emergency Department, or a Bar Mitzvah?
Regarding unregulated, unvetted information technology installed in acute care environments such as ED's, that slows physicians down and...
NYU Faculty Vote No Confidence in their President
Faculty at large American universities, in which most of the country's medical schools and teaching hospitals are embedded, are becoming...
Boulder Community Hospital computer system crash: Either you're in control of your information systems, or they're in control of you
Yet another health IT crash, "prolonged" this time, from some unspecified " glitch ": Boulder Community Hospital compute...
Doctors' Dubious Excuses for Taking Pharmaceutical Companies' Money
Pro Publica has updated their database of payments by pharmaceutical payments to physicians and organizations. It now has data from 15 comp...
Bad Science (and Perhaps Conflict of Interest) At ONC / HHS
This article recently appeared, quoting Jacob Reider, M.D. , chief medical officer at ONC on an upcoming Health IT Safety Plan : Heal th Da...