The march of legal settlements by large health care organizations goes on, albeit with ever more quiet footsteps as the number of journalis...
WaPo: "When treating a patient with dementia, electronic health records fall short"
Which raises the question: for what patient types do EHRs in 2014 not "fall short" in many of the ways cited by this author? When...
PharmaLot Sent Down the Memory Hole
As noted in blog posts ( The Scientist , the Pharma Marketing Blog , Shearlings got Plowed ), and one solitary newspaper article ( San Diego...
The Smarming of Health Care - How to Spin a Minimally Efficacious Variant on an Old Drug as New and Wonderful
A recent announcement of the approval of a new drug showed the latest ways pharmaceutical companies can spin products as new and effective w...
EHR Go-Lives Are Often Chaotic; One Area To Be Explored Is If This Go-Live Led To This Tragedy
EHR "go-lives" are particularly chaotic as staff adjusts to the new cybernetic governor of care. Could the distractions have caus...
"Doctors' Dissatisfaction With EHRs May Be Early Warning of Deeper Quality Problems" - And Some Common Sense on EHRs and Clinician Distraction and Time-Wasting
The following article was published regarding physician dissatisfaction with EHRs, referencing a RAND study on EHRs commissioned by the Amer...
"Emotion, not Information" - the Lucrative Deceptive Marketing of Hospice, and its Potentially Fatal Consequences
One of the real recent advances in health care, in my humble opinion, was the organization of compassionate, palliative care for people at t...