Before it was abruptly ended by a sudden settlement for $158 million, the trial in Texas of a suit alleging unethical marketing of the drug ...
A Critical Review of a Critical Review of e-Prescribing ... Or Is It CPOE?
In PLoS medicine, the following article was recently published by researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia: Westbrook J...
Health IT: Ddulites and Irrational Exuberance
The title is not a typo. I've often tried to explain the phenomenon of irrational exuberance where computers are concerned, especially i...
More cybernetic miracles: 14,000 patients failed to receive follow-up outpatient appointments
14,000 is a lot of patients to miss followup appointments. I do not think this feat could have been accomplished via paper: Morecambe Bay m...
Perhaps Hospitals Don't Care Much That EHRs Can Be Dangerous, Because EHRs Lets them Attract 'Good Paying Customers' And Exclude the Old and Poor
This comes as no surprise to me. I believe it may help explain hospital's cavalier attitudes towards the risks of today's commercia...
Rendering Unto Caesar - What the Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute vs Thompson Says About the Loss of the Academic Medical Mission
A case, reported by the New York Times as involving an intellectual property dispute, should create a lot of cognitive dissonance about the...
Just Business - Employee Control Fraud, Gresham's Dynamic, and the Race to the Bottom in Health Care
Since Enthoven called for the break up of the physicians' "guild," and handing over its supposed power to managers, (see post ...