Evidence-based medicine proposes patient care decisions based on the best evidence from critically reviewed clinical research, knowledge of...
A Plague of Bureaucrats - Now 10 Per Physician in US Health Care
There seems to be a reasonable argument that the US health care system is more dependent on the private sector, and in particular the for-pr...
Should "Diagnosing While Texting" Be Illegal?
I saw an interesting comment at Medscape in the comment thread of the article " Do Your EHR Manners Turn Patients Off? " (MedScape...
The Adventures of the Purloined Bequest, the Resident Heiress, and the Hidden Hospital System
The game is afoot again. A series of recent articles in the media described a series of cases whose mysterious interrelationships Sherlock ...
UnitedHealth's Latest Blunders Include Lax Fraud Detection, Recalled EHRs - So Why is its CEO Worth $13.9 Million, or is it $34.7 Million?
We managed to go four months since our last post about UnitedHealth, but sure enough, the company that keeps on giving... examples of poor m...
An Open Letter to David Bates, MD, Chair, ONC FDASIA Health IT Policy Committee on Recommendations Against Premarket Testing and Validation of Health IT
From http://www.healthit.gov/policy-researchers-implementers/federal-advisory-committees-facas/fdasia : The Food and Drug Administration Saf...
Quality vs Costs of US Corporate Owned but Offshore Medical Schools
Background: Off-Shore Medical Schools for US Students Owned by US Corporations While US health care appears to be more corporate than health...
Why Trust Drug Company Executives After One Admits Commercially Sponsored Clinical Research Is All About "Competitive Advantage?"
Mickey, the semi-anonymous blogger on 1BoringOldMan, wrote a righteously angry post in support of transparent clinical research. As we hav...
A New And Quite Perverse Hospital Ploy to Defend Medical Malpractice - Blame the Dead Patient? Two Examples
I did not think hospitals would ever get to the level of perversity, in defense of EHRs and EHR-related malpractice, seen herein. Just a few...